Having Fun with Crayons

This is another older watercolor from a few years ago. I was experimenting with wax resist using Crayola Crayons and decided I wanted to make this a very colorful house and played with complementary colors. I also tried to keep it kinda loose, so it looks as though this house may fall down soon, but I still had fun.

Water and Rocks

Reblogged from Niume Art (defunct):

Another older watercolor lesson study using wax resist to keep the white of the paper, but there are other products you can use to leave whites in your paintings…



From the same lesson, same theme of water and rocks, but this time using Chinese white (gouache) to add white back into the painting. Wax resist using a white candle or even using crayon remain a favorite “weapon” in my watercolor arsenal though.

wc.2011.05.Water.On.The Rocks.c.smaller.nfs

And a 3rd way to establish or re-establish whites in your watercolor. In this painting I was experimenting with a relatively new product, Watercolor Ground in Titanium White by Daniel Smith. It’s an interesting product and I definitely like the texture!

waves on rocks watercolor ground IMG_2212