Moving Foward Again

In the last week or so a UK artist I follow has made some VERY raw admissions about where he’s been at, emotionally and mentally, during the last year and that he finally picked up his colored pencils again and how good it makes him feel.

Frankly, I think most people don’t want that kind of honesty; I, however am drawn to it 😜 (see what I did there? I LOVE puns, even accidental ones. 🀣)

“A merry heart is good like medicine, but a broken spirit dies the bones.” That’s wisdom from Proverbs.

This meme struck my funny bone this morning and honestly, I have felt that way many times in the last four years — it’s sapped most of my creativity. The reality that I think it’s all intentional to demoralize people and make them more compliant SHOULD ignite my stubborn streak, but it hasn’t always.

Anyway, after Christopher admitted how hard it’s been for him this last year, and said he couldn’t believe how he felt picking up his pencils again, I felt inspired to pick up a pen and start doing quick little five minute drawings ever. After all, I have knowb for several decades that, for me especially, art is free therapy.

The first few sketches I did last week were SIMPLE. Just things in my room.

No masterpiece works here, but it does feel good to be working again. I also know that I’m no Christopher Durant, especially not with colored pencils, but I’m really thankful for his honesty and very inspired by his nudge to pick up again and get to it.

You can check out his work on FB.
Christopher Durant :

He also has an Etsy shop for repros:

Steps and Stops

Tikvah MM230623a

The steps (and stops) of a righteous man are ordered of the Lord. I started on this painting in 2016 as a watercolor — I never liked it and wasn’t satisfied with it, so set it aside; I brought it forward with additions of more color from time to time (YEARS between) — and last summer when I had time and space to focus daily on painting, I added the ink to it. FINALLY, I was finally happy with it and signed it.

It caught my eye again yesterday as I was gathering photos of my oldest’s college campus to show friends who’ve been praying with me over current family needs; my “child” is older than the typical college student and is burdened by classload, workload and ongoing health issues–she’s already had a set back with an important project this brand new year because she missed her first week while she was in a big deal conference in California and when she was finally able to get home (after travel woes — pilots and flight attendents not showing up for work — and lost sleep), she got sick and missed the second week too. It affects the rest of her upcoming spring semester; as we were praying for her, my friend reminded me that the Lord’s timing is not always ours and He will get HIS way, despite what we think of as “set backs.”

He causes ALL things to work together for GOOD for us who love Him and are the called according to HIS purpose.

In His time, He will make a painting that is satisfying.

We may not see the results in human lives until MUCH later, but that’s okay too. Until then the just shall live by faith in the good, good God. Not only is He good. He does ONLY good. Sometimes good is hard to bear; it’s still good, even if not nice or pleasant.

Blessings on all of you, epecially those who see and hear. You can trust the One who died for you. And just a reminder; He’s not dead anymore. He rose to give you power to overcome here in this life, and eternal life after our time on earth is done.

His name is Jesus, if you don’t know Him.

If you don’t know Him and you want to learn more:

Benefits of Redemption – Derek Prince:

The New Creation Part 1 – Derek Prince: